FREE Feelings Chart
FREE Mindfulness ResourceFREE Feelings Chart Download this charming 8.5 x 11 feelings chart for kids.
Father’s Day Pop-Out Card and Activities
Father's Day Pop-out Card You will need: Father's Day Print Out (download)Markers or Colored PencilsGlueScissorsConstruction Paper (optional) Print and color the card template pages that you will be using. There are multiple options for the outside and inside of the...
Bright Future Graduation Coloring Page
FREE Graduation Coloring PageFREE Graduation Coloring Page Download this cute and charming 8.5 x 11 coloring page for your cherished graduate. Suggested Uses: A Quick and easy coloring activity Print a pre-colored page to display as graduation decor!
Mother’s Day Pop-Out Card
Mother's Day Pop-out Card You will need: Mother's Day Print Out (download)Markers or Colored PencilsGlueScissorsConstruction Paper Print and color the card template pages that you will be using. For a more personalized card: Use colorful paper ast the outside of the...

Ms. Baker
Mindset Coach for Kids
As an art teacher, mindfulness advocate, and teen life coach, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of mindfulness in nurturing social and emotional well-being in youngsters.
My goal is to help you to nurture mindful, resilient, and emotionally balanced kids who will thrive in our ever-changing world.
I am proud to offer super fun art activities, games and crafts.